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Social Activist

"Medha Patkar: Bridging Advocacy and Politics for Social Change"

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Medha Patkar is a prominent Indian social activist and politician known for her unwavering commitment to social justice, environmental sustainability, and the rights of marginalized communities. Born on December 1, 1954, in Mumbai, India, Patkar has dedicated her life to addressing issues related to land rights, water management, and equitable development. Medha Patkar gained widespread recognition for her pivotal role in the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), a

social movement aimed at protesting the large-scale dams built along the Narmada River. She has been a vocal advocate for the rights of displaced communities affected by dam projects, emphasizing the need for inclusive and sustainable development policies. A well-educated individual, Patkar holds a Master's degree in Social Work from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Her academic background, combined with a deep sense of social responsibility,


propelled her into grassroots activism. Over the years, she has actively engaged in numerous campaigns, protests, and hunger strikes to draw attention to the plight of marginalized communities facing displacement due to developmental projects. Beyond her activism, Medha Patkar has ventured into politics, contributing her efforts to amplify the voices of the marginalized within the formal political arena. She has been associated with various political parties

“Our choices today have a direct impact on the world we will leave for future generations.”

Medha Patkar

and has contested elections, aiming to bring about systemic change from within the political system. Medha Patkar's fearless pursuit of justice has earned her both admiration and criticism, but her commitment to the cause remains unshaken. Her advocacy extends beyond India's borders, as she has participated in global forums, collaborating with international organizations to address issues of human rights, environmental sustainability, and social equity.

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