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Bhavish Aggarwal’s new entity Krutrim SI Designs in talks to raise up to $100 Mn

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Bhavish Aggarwal is the visionary entrepreneur behind Ola, one of India's most successful ride-hailing platforms. Born on August 28, 1985, in Ludhiana, Punjab, Aggarwal's journey from a small town in India to the founder of a multi-billion-dollar tech company is an inspiring tale of determination and innovation. Aggarwal's entrepreneurial

spirit emerged during his college years at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, where he pursued a degree in Computer Science and Engineering. It was during a trip to the United States for an internship that he was introduced to the world of technology and startups, igniting his passion for building something of his


own. The genesis of Ola took shape in 2010 when Bhavish Aggarwal and his co-founder Ankit Bhati, both alumni of IIT Bombay, faced a harrowing experience with a local taxi driver in Bangalore. Determined to revolutionize the traditional taxi-hailing industry, they founded Ola (originally named OlaCabs) in December 2010. In the

Raising capital is not the toughest part. The toughest part is building a great team and making sure it’s growing with the company

Bhavish Aggarwal

early days, Aggarwal and his team faced numerous challenges, from convincing drivers to join the platform to building trust among users. Ola started as a cab aggregator but quickly adapted to market demands by introducing various services such as Ola Auto, Ola Share, and Ola Bike, catering to a diverse range of commuting needs.

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    02 Jan 2024

    Virendra Pratap Singh


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